Communities in UISU-IR
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E-Books (EB)
Buku Elektronik
Guide Books (GB)
Buku Panduan
Lecture Papers (LP)
Karya Tulis Dosen
Master Theses (MT)
Tesis Prodi Magister (S-2)
Paper Mahasiswa
kumpulan tulisan karya ilmiah mahasiswa
Student Papers (SP)
Skripsi Sarjana (S-1)
UISU e-Archives (UA)
Arsip Elektronik UISU
- 2 Analisis, ROA dan ROE, Kinerja Ke...
- 2 APBDes Management, Permendagri Nu...
- 2 Application of Village Fund Alloc...
- 2 Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia...
- 2 Bridge, backrest wall, floor plat...
- 2 Budget Control, Budget Effectiven...
- 2 Buying and Selling, Cash On Deliv...
- 2 Children, Legal Protection, Law E...
- 2 Compensation, Motivation, Perform...
- 2 Corporate Social Responsibility, ...
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Date issued
- 3915 2020 - 2025
- 232 2014 - 2019