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dc.contributor.authorGinting, Reh Ulina-
dc.description.abstractABSTRAK Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk menghentikan penyebaran virus Covid- 19 adalah dengan menyediakan vaksin Covid-19. Namun kehadiran vaksin Covid- 19 menuai banyak pro dan kontra dari warga desa Sei Jawi-Jawi. Berita palsu terkait vaksin Covid-19 pun beredar dikalangan warga yang menimbulkan keraguan terhadap vaksin. Maka dari itu, upaya komunikasi persuasif dari aparatur desa diperlukan untuk menumbuhkan minat warga melakukan vaksinasi. Aparat Desa Sei Jawi-Jawi melakukan komunikasi persuasif dengan mempromosikan vaksin Covid-19 kepada masyarakat. Tak hanya itu, penanggung jawab pelaksanaan vaksin Covid-19 di desa Sei Jawi-Jawi juga datang kerumahrumah warga untuk memastikan dan mengajak warga melakukan vaksin Covid- 19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh komunikasi peruasif yang dilakukan aparatur desa Sei Jawi-Jawi dalam membangun minat warga untuk melakukan vaksin Covid-19 dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesadaran warga terhadap pelaksanaan vaksin Covid-19 di desa Sei Jawi-Jawi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian regresi linear sederhana dengan menggunakan metode survei dan analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Jumlah populasi adalah 4032 orang. Ukuran sampel menggunakan random sampling rumus Slovin dan ditetapkan sampel sebanyak 98 orang. Kemudian penarikan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling, karena sampel yang diambil mempunyai batasan usia. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan pengaruh antara komunikasi persuasif terhadap minat warga melakukan vaksin berdasarkan hasil uji t ditemukan bahwa nilai t hitung > t tabel, yaitu 7,444 > 1,985. Berarti terdapat pengaruh antara komunikasi persuasif terhadap minat warga melakukan vaksin. Dari hasil nilai koefisien determinasi ditemukan bahwa komunikasi persuasif oleh Aparatur Desa memiliki pengaruh sebesar 36,6% terhadap Minat Warga Desa Sei Jawi-Jawi dalam melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 sedangkan sisanya sebesar 63,4% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain diluar daripada penelitian ini. Artinya, komunikasi persuasif oleh Aparatur Desa Cukup Berpengaruh terhadap Minat Warga Desa Sei Jawi-Jawi dalam melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19. Kata Kunci : Komunikasi Persuasif, Aparatur Desa, Minat Wargaii ABSTRAK One of the government's efforts to help spread the Covid-19 virus is to provide a Covid-19 vaccine. However, the experience of the Covid-19 vaccine has reaped many pros and cons from the residents of Sei Jawi-Jawi village. Fake news regarding the Covid-19 vaccine has also circulated among citizens who have doubts about the vaccine. Therefore, persuasive communication efforts from the village apparatus are needed to increase the interest of citizens in vaccinating. Sei Jawi-Jawi Village officials carried out persuasive communication by promoting the Covid-19 vaccine to the community. Not only that, the person in charge of implementing the Covid-19 vaccine in Sei Jawi-Jawi village also came to residents' homes to ensure and invite residents to carry out the Covid-19 vaccine. This study aims to determine how much influence the persuasive communication carried out by the Sei Jawi-Jawi village apparatus in building community interest in carrying out the Covid-19 vaccine and to find out how citizens' awareness of the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine in Sei JawiJawi village. This type of research is a simple linear regression research using survey methods and data analysis using simple linear regression analysis. Total population is 4032 people. The sample size used the Slovin formula random sampling and a sample of 98 people was determined. Then the sample was drawn using stratified random sampling, because the sample taken had an age limit. The results of data analysis showed that the effect of persuasive communication on the interest of citizens in taking vaccines, based on the results of the t test it was found that the value of t hitung > t tabel, that is 7,444 > 1,985. This means that there is an influence between persuasive communication on citizens' interest in vaccines. From the results of the coefficient of determination, it was found that persuasive communication by the Village Apparatus had an influence of 36.6% on the interest of the Sei Jawi-Jawi Villagers in carrying out the Covid-19 Vaccination, while the remaining 63.4% was influenced by factors other than this. That is, persuasive communication by the village apparatus is quite influential on the interest of the residents of Sei Jawi-Jawi Village in carrying out the Covid-19 Vaccination. Keywords: Persuasive Communication, Village Apparatus, Citizens Interesten_US
dc.publisherFakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politiken_US
dc.subjectKomunikasi Persuasif, Aparatur Desa, Minat Wargaen_US
dc.subjectPersuasive Communication, Village Apparatus, Citizens Interesten_US
Appears in Collections:Ilmu Komunikasi

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