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Keywords: Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Tindakan dan Pencegahan COVID 19
Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions and COVID 19 Prevention
Issue Date: 23-Oct-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Series/Report no.: UISU230817;71180811062
Abstract: ABSTRAK World Health Organization (WHO) menyatakan bahwa kasus kluster pneumonia dengan etiologi yang tidak jelas di Kota Wuhan telah menjadi permasalahan kesehatan di seluruh dunia. Penyebaran epidemi ini terus berkembang hingga akhirnya diketahui bahwa penyebab kluster pneumonia ini adalah Novel Coronavirus. Pandemi ini terus berkembang hingga adanya laporan kematian dan kasus-kasus baru di luar China. Untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku masyarakat Kecamatan Ulee Kareng terhadap pencegahan pandemi COVID 19 pada tahun 2020 Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, desain cross sectional, dimana didapatkan bahwa responden terbanyak adalah umur 26-39 tahun yaitu sebanyak 42 responden (43%), dengan responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 49 responen (51%), dan lulusan SMA sebanyak 45 responen (46,9%), yang diikuti dengan pekerjaan wiraswasta yaitu sebanyak 29 responden (30,2%), dengan memiliki pengetahuan yang baik sebanyak 84 orang (87,5%), sikap dan tindakan yang baik sebanyak 88 responden (91,7%), Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Tindakan dan Pencegahan COVID 19 ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO) states that cluster cases of pneumonia with unclear etiology in Wuhan City have become a worldwide health problem. The spread of this epidemic continued to grow until it was finally known that the cause of this pneumonia cluster was the Novel Coronavirus. This pandemic continues to grow until there are reports of deaths and new cases outside China. To describe the behavior of the people of Ulee Kareng District towards the prevention of the COVID 19 pandemic at 2020 This study was a descriptive study, cross sectional design. It was found that the most respondents were aged 26-39 years, as many as 42 respondents (43%), with male respondents as many as 49 respondents (51%), and high school graduates as many as 45 respondents (46.9%), followed by self-employed jobs, namely as many as 29 respondents (30.2%), with good knowledge as many as 84 people (87.5%), good attitudes and actions as many as 88 respondents (91.7%) Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions and COVID 19 Prevention
Appears in Collections:Pendidikan Kedokteran

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