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Issue Date: 2-Mar-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Series/Report no.: UISU230411;
Abstract: RINGKASAN Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sudirejo Kelurahan Namorambe, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan ketinggian tempat ± 26 meter dpl dengan topografi datar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan Oktober 2021 sampai dengan Bulan Februari 2022. Penelitian ini dibimbing oleh oleh Ibu Ir. Ratna Mauli Lubis, M.P, sebagai Ketua Pembimbing dan Bapak Ir. Mahyuddin Dalimunthe, M.P., sebagai Anggota Pembimbing. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan berbagai jenis bahan organik pertanian terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kacang tanah (Arachis hypogeae L.) dengan sistem keranjang. Penelitian ini mengunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial dengan lima taraf perlakuan yaitu: P0 = kontrol, P1 = LBPC(limbah buahpepaya cair) plus 100 mL/keranjang, P2 = LAT(limbah air tahu) plus 100 mL/keranjang, P3 = kotoran ayam plus 400 g/keranjang P4 = arang sekam padi plus 400 g/keranjang. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, jumlah polong per tanaman sampel, bobot polong per tanaman sampel, produksi biji per keranjang dan bobot biji 100 butir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai jenis bahan organik (LBPC, LAT, kotoran ayam, arang sekam padi) plus memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap semua parameter yang diukur yaitu tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah cabang (cabang), umur berbunga (hari), jumlah polong per tanaman sampel (polong), berat polong pertanaman (g), berat biji 100 butir (g), dan produksi biji per keranjang (Kg).ii SUMMARY This research was conducted Desa Sudirejo Kelurahan Namorambe, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utarawith an altitude of ± 26 meters above sea level with a flat topography. This research was conducted in October 2021 to February 2022. This research was supervised by Mrs. Ir. Ratna Mauli Lubis, M.P., as the Chief Advisor and Mr. Ir. Mahyuddin Dalimunthe, M.P., as a Advisory Member. This study aims to determine the utilization of various types of agricultural organic matter on the growth and production of peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.) with a basket system. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RBD) with five levels of treatment, namely: P0 = control, P1 = liquid papaya waste plus 100 ml/basket, P2 = tofu water waste plus 100 ml/basket,P3 = chicken manure plus 400 g/basket P4 = rice husk charcoal plus 400 g/basket.Parameters observed were plant height, number of branches, number of pods per sample plant, pod weight per sample plant, seed production per basket and seed weight of 100 grains. The results showed that the application of various types of organic matter (liquid papaya waste, tofu water waste, chicken manure, rice husk charcoal) plus had a significant effect on all the parameters measured, namely plant height (cm), number of branches (branches), flowering age (days),number of pods per sample plant (pods), weight of pods planted (g), seed weight of 100 grains (g), and seed production per basket (Kg).
Appears in Collections:Agroteknologi

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