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Keywords: weed type, immersed, without sinking
Issue Date: 6-Feb-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Series/Report no.: UISU230200;
Abstract: RINGKASAN Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Naga Rejo Kelurahan Tanjung Morawa, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan ketinggian tempat ± 26 meter dpl dengan topografi datar. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada Bulan Januari 2022 sampai dengan Bulan April 2022. Penelitian ini dibimbing oleh oleh Ibu Dr. Yeni Asbur, S.P.,M.P, sebagai Ketua Pembimbing dan Bapak Ir. Markhaini, M.s., sebagai Anggota Pembimbing. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembenanam terhadap laju dekomposisi beberapa jenis gulma di perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat menggunakan metode litterbag. Penelitian ini mengunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) non faktorial dengan enam taraf perlakuan yaitu: G1 = A.gangetica dibenam, G2 = N.biserrata dibenam, G3 = P.conjugatum dibenam, G4 = A.gangetica tanpa benam G5 = N.biserrata tanpa benam, G6 = P.conjugatum tanpa benam. Parameter yang diamati adalah pengukuran bobot biomas serasah, Pengukuran Per sentase Penguraian Biomasa , Pengukuran laju dekomposisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tanpa dibenam dan dibenam pada 30 HSP, 60 HSP, 90 HSP memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap semua pengamatan yaitu pengukuran bobot biomas serasah, Pengukuran Persentase Penguraian Biomasa , Pengukuran laju dekomposisi. ii iii SUMMARY This research was conducted in Naga Rejo Village, Tanjung Morawa Village, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province with an altitude of ± 26 meters above sea level with flat topography. This research was carried out in January 2022 to April 2022. This research was supervised by Dr. Mrs. Yeni Asbur, S.P., M.P, as the Chief Advisor and Mr. Ir. Markhaini, M.s., as Advisory Member. This study aims to determine the effect of planting on the rate of decomposition of several types of weeds in smallholder oil palm plantations using the litterbag method. This study used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Block Design (RAKL) with six treatment levels, namely: G1 = A. gangetica immersed, G2 = N. biserrata immersed, G3 = P.conjugatum immersed, G4 = A.gangetica without sinking, G5 = N.biserrata without sinking, G6 = P.conjugatum without sinking. The parameters observed were the measurement of the weight of the biomass in the litter, the measurement of the percentage of biomass decomposition, and the measurement of the rate of decomposition. The results showed that the treatment without immersion and immersion at 30 HSP, 60 HSP, 90 HSP gave a significant effect on all observations, namely the measurement of litter biomass weight, Measurement of Percentage of Biomass Decomposition, Measurement of decomposition rate. Keywords: weed type, immersed, without sinking
Appears in Collections:Agroteknologi

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