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- Bacteria, Students, UTI 1
- Badan Usaha Milik Desa, Pendapatan Usaha Warung 1
- BadanUsahaMilikDesa,PendapatanAsliDesa 1
- Bagi Hasil, Nasabah dalam Memilih Tabungan Akad Mudharabah 1
- Bahan Ajar Drama HOTS 1
- Bahan Ajar, Inkuiri Terbimbing, V-Lab (Virtual Laboratory), Momentum dan Impuls, Literasi Sains, Motivasi 1
- Bahan Organik, Varitas padi Gogo 1
- bahan tambah (additive), LLDPE, lapisan AC-WC, spesifikasi Bina Marga 2010 revisi 3. 1
- Baja ST-41, Pahat HSS, Proses Pembubutan 1
- Bakteri Endofit, Jamur Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Sungai Putih, Uji Antagonis, Uji Gram KOH, Uji Hipersensitif 1
- Bakteri Endofit, Jamur Corynespora casiicola 1
- Bakteri Endofit, Jamur Pestalotiopsis sp 1
- Bakteriuria, Mahasiswa, ISK 1
- balance scorecard, financial performance 1
- balance scorecard, kinerja keuangan 1
- Bamboo shoots, Tofu Dregs Compost, Soybean Plants, Anjasmoro, Plant Growth and Production. 1
- Banana peel LOF, Chicken Manure, Andisol 1
- bandwidth Management 1
- Bank Size, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, management burden,Non-Performing Loan, Return on Assets, Specific characteristic of bank. 1
- Bank Soundness, BPR, CAMEL 1